Similar words: blow over, overcrowded, overthrow, over and over, over and over again, grow on, throw off, interwoven.

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1. He was crowing over winning the bet.
2. The crowd was crowing over Brazil's easy victory in the match.
3. When Eisenhower fell into the trap, Khrushchev crowed over his discomfort and demanded an apology or a repudiation of presidential responsibility.
4. A good sportsman should never crow over his achievements.
5. You shouldn't crow over a defeated enemy.
6. You should not crow over a defeated enemy.
7. He is a narrow-minded person who would crow over other's failure.
8. In this case, as to their setback and ache, we had better care for and understand their moods with a benefic hear, but not crow over their frustration.
More similar words: blow over, overcrowded, overthrow, over and over, over and over again, grow on, throw off, interwoven, crown, crow, crowd, crowded, crowbar, scarecrow, as the crow flies, over, overt, cover, lover, hover, overall, oversee, govern, go over, all over, get over, be over, covert, over there, recover.